Our Inspiration

Benjamin Ferencz
Benjamin Ferencz's heroic career has been promoting and instituting a single truth, "law over war" for more than 70 years. As one of the international legal community's living treasures and one of the architects of the International Criminal Court, Ben is responsible for putting the concept of "crimes against humanity" into law. As a Nuremburg prosecutor, he was tasked with bringing to trial the Nazi death squad leaders that killed over 1,000,000 people. Not content with merely the defendants themselves, he put their crimes, and society itself, on trial, holding us to a new standard of international justice, a legacy that remains.
Law is an agreement that allows humans to transcend war. Our laws, norms, and social agreements create an inevitable path forward to making the world work for 100% of humanity.

Buckminster Fuller
The survival and life strategy work of Buckminster Fuller, 20th century architect, systems theorist, author, designer, inventor and futurist, and the man who coined the term Spaceship Earth, is at the heart of our campaign.
Our question, #IsThereEnough, is a doorway to his World Game question that asks how we make the world work for 100% of humanity, producing wealth, and survival, for all of us.
Moses Garelik

"We are all unique
and we are all connected"
Moses Garelik is the founder of Unione, a new cultural practice of gathering, ritual and conversation that contemplates our universal human connections and how each of us expressour unique contributions to it. This is entirely in spirit of The World Game which is for each and for all.
Moses is an heir to 100's of years of religious, social and cultural traditions based on Moses' original message to the Israelite people. 3300 years later, he expands the notions of consciousness and makes the message universal: "Divine leadership of divine people through divine law"

Poverty Inc
"Poverty Inc." is a thought-provoking documentary that challenges conventional notions about international aid and its impact on poverty-stricken communities.

Everything is connected
In Tom Chi's thought-provoking TED Talk, "Everything is Connected," he delves into the intricate web of interconnectedness that underpins our universe. Chi elucidates how adopting a systems thinking approach allows us to perceive the profound interdependencies between various elements of our world.
Drawing on examples ranging from biological systems to human societies, he illustrates how seemingly disparate phenomena are intricately linked, often influencing each other in profound and unexpected ways. Chi emphasizes the importance of recognizing these connections not only for understanding the complexities of our world but also for driving innovation and solving complex challenges.
Marcia Martin

"Life lives in the conversation"
That phrase, "life lives in the conversation" was authored by Marcia Martin as consequential as any human being alive today in the success of what many people think of as the human potential movement, a global 20th-century phenomenon that may prove to have seeded the tools we need for leadership in meeting the challenges of the 21st. Marcia is fond of reminding us that life happens, and even transforms, by our conversation, something this campaign is built on demonstrating. Marcia is one of the most impactful members of the team that produced and scaled EST (later known as The Forum) to evolve into the transformational global phenomenon it became, a set of work that is still being
studied in academia and which had the love and attention of a late age Buckminster Fuller. As a youth and future oriented organization of the 1970's, it created a resurgence in appreciation for, and even an expansion of, Bucky's reach, helping him steer a new generation of social entrepreneurs that later influenced the work #IsThereEnough is currently doing.

A Radical New Economic Theory
Stephanie Kelton's book "The Deficit Myth" presents a groundbreaking exploration of modern monetary theory, challenging traditional economic beliefs about government deficits. Drawing on her expertise as an economist, Kelton debunks the widely held notion that deficits are always detrimental and argues that they can, in fact, be essential for a thriving economy. With lucid explanations and real-world examples, she dismantles misconceptions surrounding government spending, taxes, and the role of deficits in shaping economic policies. Kelton offers a fresh perspective, advocating for a paradigm shift in economic thinking, where a better understanding of deficits can lead to more informed and progressive policymaking, addressing urgent issues such as income inequality and climate change.

Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere
Letter from Birmingham Jail, one of Martin Luther King’s most famous pieces of expression, written at a pivotal moment in civil rights history, suggests, in the clearest possible terms, that any injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere. This #IsThereEnough campaign is about human lives, all human lives, and the rights to life and liberty that everyone has, no matter their country, race or religion. "It is not possible to be in favor of justice for some people and not be in favor of justice for all people." -Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Entrepreneurial State
Mariana Mazzucato addresses the growing concern about capitalism and a counter movement embracing socialism. “There’s all sorts of different ways to do capitalism. There’s the kind of maximization of shareholder value. There’s the more stakeholder value perspective. . . that fundamentally affects how public and private come together. That’s what I think need complete rebooting rather than to start calling things socialism.”

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Hans Rosling

"In order to make the right decisions, we have to know what's true."
Hans Rosling, a renowned global health expert, had a unique and optimistic perspective on the population of Earth. He believed that while the world's population is growing, it is not an imminent crisis as commonly portrayed. Rosling argued that as societies develop and become healthier, with improved living standards and access to education and healthcare, birth rates tend to decline. He emphasized the importance of understanding the demographic transition,
where populations stabilize as countries progress. Rosling's data-driven approach and captivating presentations demonstrated that addressing poverty and empowering women were crucial steps to achieving a sustainable and balanced global population, encouraging a more hopeful outlook for the future.

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Ken Windes

"We are all ok"
Founder of "the Game Academy" from Convict to Freedom in 6 Years
Ken Windes was an American triumph story few have heard. For those that have, it defies belief, and yet it is completely true. Ken freed himself from the maximum security prison at Marion, Illinois, one of the toughest prisons in America, in the late 1960s,. He did not leave by escape through a tunnel, as he had dreamed of, but with the intervention and collaboration of his mentor, Dr Martin Gruder, a young psychologist avoiding service in the Vietnam War.
Together, they transformed an entire prison community and gave new hope to a generation of young men. Their results were so precise and life-changing, that while Ken was still a registered convict, the pair traveled to prisons throughout the country teaching their methods to other prison professionals. Eventually, the transformed prison-trained psychologist Ken Windes was released, years before his legal path to parole. When he emerged from prison life, Windes founded The Game Academy and moved his practice to workshop forums helping people liberate themselves from, as Ken would say, "the prison walls of their mind". #IsThereEnough is a global application of one of Windes' core ideas.

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Money & You

Money & You has become one of the most consequential and influencial developers of human transformational talent of the last 50 years, on a global scale and perspective. It has trained over 100,000 graduates who are now in leadership positions throughout the world in dozens of disciplines, including business, government and social impact. Money & You is a global leadership game, purposely and artfully seeming to be about money, and our relationship to it. It is, instead, a journey to self discovery and the way we collaborate with others.It is the most vivid way possible for anyone to truly understand, in a group environment, that wealth is not money, and money is not wealth, a difference that matters in survival and standard of living. It is also the fastest way for any team to accelerate productive relationship results. The program was founded in 1979 by Marshall Thurber, Bobbi DePorter, two groundbreaking pioneers in combining entrepreneurship with social impact education, and Dame Doria Cordova, who is leading it to this day.
It is based on the interactive experiential learning principles of super teaching, and masters the ability to meaningfully incorporate complex and specific principles from the work of Buckminster Fuller, Edwards Deming, and Ilya Prigogene, Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry 1977, among a number of others. Using ground breaking experiential education methods, these complex systems thinkers became visceral and accessible to anyone. This #IsThereEnough campaign carries much of its core essence and many of its principles.